Apn@rPhone IP Telephony service is one of the renowned IPT solution in Bangladesh. Until now Apn@rPhone has deployed hundreds of IP PBX to many large and mid level enterprises from Bangladesh, which includes major banks and financial organizations. Based on the clientele Apn@rPhone is serving proudly for a long time now, the superiority and excellence that Apn@rPhone has as a standard solution provider for any kind of Corporate IP telephony requirement can easily be proclaimed.
Apn@rPhone provides IP PBX and IP trunk solution with hunting number and range of DID/DOD’s as per requirement of the client. along with IP Trunk and IP PBX. Many of the clients are using Kotha’s E1 connectivity for AVAYA, CISCO, NORTEL, interactive Intelligence and many more renowned PBX system in PRI, SS7 and R2 signalling.